Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thing 5- Flickr Fun (sort of)

Thing 1-YRD pic
Originally uploaded by jlmayfield1980

I set up a Flickr account which was easy since I already have a Yahoo account. I added some pictures. I really don't snap a lot of pictures so I don't have many. My Flickr account is .

I am having trouble adding a picture I saved in Flickr to this blog. It says it is here, but it is obviously not. I am a bit frustrated now. What am I doing wrong? I clicked on the picture icon and put in the picture's URL. ...Ok, I figured out I had to allow access from Flickr to Blogger...Let's see if this picture...I went back and read NEFLIN's instructions--very carefully...It worked, but the picture is in the wrong place, so I am deleting it. Wait, I think I have it now. Wha LA! (whew)

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