The librarian's article of how they were using social networking in his library was great! I can see how it would be wonderful in a public library. The Gather site seems to be for the more serious-minded than Myspace or Facebook. I have a Facebook account, a fact I've already mentioned, and sometimes get a little annoyed at all the "playing" like taking a million "quizzes" and posting the results to all of them. The part I enjoy is reading the day to day comments of "my friends." I don't enjoy seeing the quizzes or anything that takes up a whole lot of room like a bunch of pictures when I'd rather just scroll down to see what everybody did that day. Gather seemed to be a serious conversation like talk radio. I could get into that because I like to express my opinion, but I probably won't because it would take too much of my free time.
I added Shelfari before I knew it was a social network. Another 23 Things blogger had it on her blog, and I liked it, so I put it on mine. They do email me from time to time and say people are asking about the books I listed. I haven't taken the time to answer, but maybe someday, I will. When I was a school media specialist, I would really have liked having Shelfari. My school now is very career oriented and casual reading is not emphasized.
Well, I must get on with the next Thing...only one week left and I have 4 things to go.
How the Calgary Public Library avoided the worst after it was targeted in a
massive cyberattack
Security teams chose to pro-actively shut down the servers rather than
leave systems vulnerable, a decision that chief executive officer Sarah
Meilleur cre...
2 months ago
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