Friday, March 13, 2009

Thing 14- Online Productivity Tools

Wow! Talk about information overload...this Thing is full of it! I chose to look at Yahoo's page because I already have a Yahoo account. The calendars mentioned are not of use to me because I use Outlook for the same thing at work (in the library). At home, I'd rather not be so organized to the minute--I'd rather relax. The calendars all seemed to do the same thing so I guess it would be a preference choice. I tried the Ta Da list. It was fun and quick to do, but since I tend to make my list where ever I happen to be thinking (and usually waiting for something), a scrap piece of paper and pen is really all I need. (I do not carry a PDA or Blackberry; I can't afford it.) I think the online to do list is a bit much especially when some of the other sites will do the calendar and the list as well as other things. I really do think there's too much out there to choose from--as I said too much info! So much that I'd just rather not spend the time on it, but I did do the assignment and click on each hyperlink to see what you wanted me to see. I just think that these are a little overboard. I feel like I have opened a million online accounts, set up a million passwords (although I tried to stick with the same thing), and there is no way I will remember that I did those. So, the productivity tools were not productive for me. I could have made a list and made a note on my calendar in less time than it took to do all of this.

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