Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thing 6c- Mashups

Mashups seem to be something only a programmer would fully understand, but I think the jest of it is that information from more than one source is compiled together to provide information in one shared place--thus, all "mashed" together. I think the example of Google Maps explains it best--locations, street names, aerial photos or live satellite feeds, weather--all compiled together from different sources.

Thing 6b- Mashups

My creation
Originally uploaded by jlmayfield1980
Ooohhh...Look...Look...Look See what I did? Cool! As to how I will use this in my library, I'm not sure. This is a picture of part of my circulation desk with our display from Constitution Day. Using pictures of our library in a library blog open for students to view would create interest. Let me go back to see what else I can do with Flickr...

Thing 6a-Mashups

Now that I know how to place a photo from Flickr to my blog, I am on to the next step--adding other fun things in Flickr. (I wanted to add the clock, but wasn't sure about that.) I am adding a picture from Flickr chosen from the color tag. Pretty against the black background, don't you think?

Thing 5- Flickr Fun (sort of)

Thing 1-YRD pic
Originally uploaded by jlmayfield1980

I set up a Flickr account which was easy since I already have a Yahoo account. I added some pictures. I really don't snap a lot of pictures so I don't have many. My Flickr account is .

I am having trouble adding a picture I saved in Flickr to this blog. It says it is here, but it is obviously not. I am a bit frustrated now. What am I doing wrong? I clicked on the picture icon and put in the picture's URL. ...Ok, I figured out I had to allow access from Flickr to Blogger...Let's see if this picture...I went back and read NEFLIN's instructions--very carefully...It worked, but the picture is in the wrong place, so I am deleting it. Wait, I think I have it now. Wha LA! (whew)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thing 4- RSS

RSS is an acronym for "Really Simple Syndication." (I had to type it so I'll remember it. I know you already know this, but I'm new to it.) It is still a bit mind-boggling to me. I read through the 23 Things article, but was unable to view the video-technical difficulties, you know. After reading the article and after taking a class which touched on this, I still could not have fully explained it to you. So, do not expect a scholarly rendition of RSS from this blog post. But, all is not lost. I am one of those visual learners who has to get her hands into it and play with it and figure it out even if it does explode. I believe I now understand--a wee, little bit--a RSS is a way of saving valuable research time by tracking authoritative sources and others that are just plain fun. I didn't quite understand at first that it all happens with a middle man, so to speak--Google Reader. I tried to use Bloglines since I had created an account in that for the before mentioned class I took, but I just couldn't figure out how to use it with Blogger. So, I went to my Blog and worked from there. It already had Google Reader. Using trial and error, a lot of error, I finally added three of my fellow 23 Things Bloggers to follow and three news, CNN and two library, sources. I still need practice to get this, but I can see it can really be a helpful item for a researcher.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thing 3 - Blog Search Tools

Lost in the world of billions of blogs not knowing which to follow...not knowing which exists...That's why we need blog search tools. For NEFLIN's assignment, I took a look at two such tools: Technorati and Google Blog Search. Both had excellent categories so I could go straight to what interested me. Both include pictures and videos and the latest things. However, I like Technorati better because it is smaller. I followed the assignment rules and entered the same search query: "academic librarian" into both search engines. With Technorati, I got 76 and with Google, I got 5,435. Google is just a big giant that needs to be downsized or departmentalized. One thing I did not like about Technorait, but is only a part of Internet life, is all the advertisements on the side bar. Google does not have those.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thing 2 - Library 2.0

Thing 2 in the 23 Things is labeled "Web 2.0," but the information is about "Library 2.0." I find the change in labeling confusing when from what I gathered in the information, they are almost the same thing. Correct me if I am way off base, but I learned from the information provided that Library 2.0 is a gathering of library sources, a collaboration of libraries, made available on the Web. I found the blog from John Blyberg in Connecticut to be the most helpful of the resources I read. One part in particular was interesting to me: John mentions that libraries need to collaborate to provide information. I am one of about twenty librarians on campuses located in different cities throughout Florida for one particular institution. Our library site does just this, but I think adding public libraries and information from state libraries would be wonderful to give our students more access to authoritative information. John compared a bit with the idea of ILL, interlibrary loan. It is so easy to get lost in Google or any other large search engine. If we could funnel the relevant information for our particular patrons from various credible sources, we could help them save time and find exactly what they need. That is the reason we love our expensive databases-the funnel of precise information. Library 2.0 would be a more economic option.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Campus Librarian

What does a librarian for a proprietary school do? The same as other librarians--order books and other materials, check in and out those materials, and offer help to the library's patrons on a variety of subjects. Proprietary school librarians also proctor tests and get the opportunity to teach workshops on library usage and research papers.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thing 1-The Blog

Today I begin the 23 Things Challenge by NEFLIN. This is the first one-not just the first thing in the challenge, but my first real blog. And I just realized something-Although I am a novice blogger, I am now a blogger. I chose to participate in the 23 Things because I want to keep up with the times. I would eventually like to have a blog for my library patrons. After all, most of them are much younger than I, and online, I would like to appeal to them as more than just the dusty old librarian. This is CampusCaper #1.